Chris H. Hardy
Boosting the consciousness leap / Spiritual & psi coaching / Future predictions / Remote-Viewing / Books & research on Self, Ancient Aliens, Psi…

About Chris H. Hardy
Spiritual and intuitive coach
Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D., is a researcher on consciousness, a yogi, and a psi sensitive. Dr. Hardy is a pioneer in the domain of consciousness and the new paradigm. She has explored psi, and thought-provoking mind potentials.
Chris H Hardy website official Chris H Hardy, phD – spiritual & psi coaching
I am a spiritual and intuitive coach
- Motivational speaker & super-psi seer
- Adept in meditation, ASCs, shamanism, visualization, remote-viewing (since I’m 18),
& in Jungian psychology, Ericksonian hypnosis
- Researcher & theorist on consciousness.
I love to explore new dimensions of my mind
– Get in sync with my higher Self,
- Create telepathic-harmonic fields in groups
- Access Gaia soul & collective unconscious
- Travel, visit sacred sites, sense sacred lines
- Write each night, play drums, trance-dance.
Therefore I love to focus on you &
- Boost your own awakening, liberation, healing, creativity, wellness, & psi talents
- explore your future, potentials, & career,
- find answers & solutions for you through RV, Tarots, or direct Self-to-Self connection.
I offer one-on-one coaching (Skype or phone)
– Privacy respected, no disclosure.
My commitment: I’ll support your higher Self & specific spiritual path.
My priority: that you achieve a greater realization, in joy and abundance.

Hi, I’m Chris H. Hardy. Please read this blurb before buying a coaching or book. This site is working but still being improved. Have patience!
For scheduling a session, please select a coaching and ‘add to cart.’ Then use the contact box and let me know of your choice, time zone, and availability. Allow for 2 days for the return mail. Passed this delay, please contact me again (and double-check your email and phone number). I would advise you to proceed to the checkout & payment section only once we have scheduled the coaching session via mail).
As for books: only some PDF (e-books) can be purchased, whereas soft-cover books are not available at the moment on this website, but can be purchased on Amazon, Inner Traditions website, large US bookstores, etc. Have great fun…