Chris has developed over 3 decades her own Remote Viewing and precognition tools, has published 3 books on these and conducted numerous workshops to boost people’s talents.

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Keep growing and expanding your mind, boost your psi talents, reach to the sky like an ever growing tree

1. Booste tes talents psi


– ensemble, nous allons tout d’abord comprendre tes talents psi actuels

– puis je vais créer pour toi des outils personnalisés pour augmenter ta puissance mentale et spirituelle, ton focus, et pour poser tes intentions

– je vais te guider afin de maîtriser l’art de la visualisation, avec des techniques puissantes et agissantes; tu pourras alors les utiliser de façon créative en les adaptant à des objectifs spécifiques

– je vais te donner des clés pour développer les talents psi dont tu rêves, et qui pourront être bénéfiques pour tes proches


Déploie tes potentiels, fais surgir tes talents psi, épanouis-toi comme l’arbre qui toujours grandit! Rien ne t’empêche de devenir de plus en plus doué(e) pour une variété de talents psi ! Commençons par tes capacités psi actuelles – rêves prémonitoires, excellente intuition… et maintenant ouvrons d’autres voies, d’autres capacités mentales et psi pour toi !

As-tu déjà essayé d’apaiser un mal de crâne pour un ami, un parent? De déployer ton don de guérison et d’auto-guérison ? De ressentir à distance si quelqu’un que tu aimes a besoin de ton aide immédiate? Aimerais-tu pouvoir sentir le danger à l’avance quand tu conduis? Pouvoir visualiser ta superbe performance avant l’événement lui-même, et te débarasser ainsi de tout stress afin d’être au maximum de ton potentiel? (cela peut se faire même la veille du jour J, mais c’est mieux 1-2 semaines avant)

2 sessions x 1h = $160

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Using clairvoyance and Remote Viewing can be crucial tool for finding a missing person; it can also be fun to investigate sacred sites and megaliths

2. Remote Viewing (FR 203 mots)

– Je peux explorer un site archéologique ou géographique pour vous, en utilisant la clairvoyance ou Remote Viewing (RV). Je peux décrire ce qui est en sous-sol, ainsi que ce qui existait dans le passé. Ensemble nous pouvons faire la cartographie d’un site sacré et déverouiller son information et son réseau d’énergie. Aussi:

– Je peux trouver ou suivre une personne disparue (refs oblig.)

– Je peux voir (par RV) un événement passé afin de comprendre ce qu’il s’est vraiment passé

– ou lieu distant sur terre, sur une autre planète, ou une étoile.


Utiliser la clairvoyance & le Remote Viewing (RV) peut s’avérer crucial pour trouver une personne disparue; mais c’est aussi un jeu fascinant que d’investiguer des sites sacrés et des mégalithes! Toute session avec Chris te donnera des clés pour développer tes propres capacités psi – pour saisir comment elle opère en temps réel! Notez, pour les RV pour une personne disparue, que je vous demanderai une preuve de votre lien familial ou amical, et une déclaration d’intention bienveillante. Avant de choisir une session RV, contactez-moi (via le formulaire dans ‘Contact’) pour discuter votre demande. En plus d’évaluer l’éthique de votre projet, je vous proposerai le type de sessions adéquat.


1 session x 2h = $240  (companies: $360)

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The future becomes a straight road toward the realization of our aims when we master the art of intent and visualizing .

3. Accessing your Future

– find about your own future! Choose a reading focused over the next 4 months or over a year from now.

– get a reading for your business (project or ongoing). See the probable futures of diverse options: thus you’ll know how to select the best ones.

– find your life mission and the path to it. The key to success is a clear purpose that can, even along the way, give you a sense of accomplishment. Therefore, learn how to set this purpose in sync with the realization of your higher Self and spiritual awakening.

The future becomes a straight road toward realizing our aims when we master the art of intent and visualizing. (see: 1. Boost your psi). I’ll use traditional Tarots readings, together direct information I’m able to draw from the Akasha. As a result, I’ll show you the probable outcomes and events in your future (the strongest lines of probability). Being a successful adept at visualization, the reading is only the first step—similar to a psi map. Thereafter, we’ll sort out how to reinforce, with intent and visualization, your path toward success. Finally, I’ll boost your self-confidence in your capacity to achieve your aims.
  •  Next 4 months 1h = $88. Over a year 1h = $160.
  • Business / life mission: 2 sess.= 2h + 1h = $350

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Get your ego consciousness in sync with your higher Self, as the sea reflecting the light of the sun.

4. In sync with your Self

 – in our first and free contact, we’ll map your actual life-path, as well as your higher purpose or life-mission

– then I’ll give you basic yoga techniques to enhance your meditative and peak experiences, as well as your spiritual talents. Thus we’ll render your psi as a continuous flow of information and connections, at the beginning unconscious, and later it will become conscious. This will eventually boost and nurtur in yourself a constant discovery and evolving process

– we’ll explore various ways to listen to your inner Self, and focus on the paths that you feel are the most thrilling, and also the most appropriate to your own path of knowing and life choices

– thus you will learn to get a direct guidance from your own soul or Self

Get your ego consciousness in sync with your higher Self, as the sea reflecting the light of the sun. The secret key opening all spiritual and psi talents is in the connection to your inner Self, or solar angel. Consequently, all paths of yoga and meditation have as a final aim the fusion of the ego with the Self. This means no less than a connection to Cosmic Consciousness –the hyperdimension of consciousness in the universe, the Tao, the Brahman. As you get in sync with your Self, you will be able to access all the potentials of the hyperdimension of consciousness. Not only extended psi talents, but moreover, contacts with kindred souls, including deceased loved ones. This is because the hyperdimension is also where dwell the souls of the deceased and higher dimensional beings, such as cosmic guides.

2 sessions x 1h = $160 (+ 30 min free contact)

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Realize your goals and make of your life a landscape filled with majestic and powerful monuments that will take you to the realization of your higher Self.

5. Realize a goal

–       we’ll first define and map your goal, select how you want it to be accomplished; I will then guide you with suggestions to build a strong intent;

–      we’ll use a very potent visualization technique I’ve devised and refined over the years, based on lists and intuitive drawing;

– finally you will set your intent as an energy-print on your drawing, and launch it on a path to realization.

– now and then, just contemplate and energize your goal, focusing on it until its actual realization in your life


Using powerful self-suggestion, precognitive drawing, visualization techniques, that I have devised and tested, teaching them in workshops over the years. Realize your goals and make of your life a landscape filled with majestic and powerful monuments that will take you to the realization of your higher Self. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to render easy what seems to be a bothersome and energy-consuming task! See how you can, with a mighty set of tools I’ll give you, make the impossible happen in your life! Together we can set the right mindset, the fine-tuned psychic energy and the strong intent that will, like a magnet, manifest your goal or dream in your life. Moreover this will boost yourself toward your own global and spiritual realization. We’ll will have a free feedback email conversation 7-10 days after the technique, in order to assess your results and provide you further information.

1 session x 1h = $88

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A lot is happening in our subconscious – yet it suffices to plunge and look at what’s there underwater, to free yourself from any self-inflicted sabotage.

6. Ericksonian Hypnosis

– E. Hypnosis allows to solve a psychological, relational, or social problem, by using a specific type of visualization, in only 1 or 2 sessions of 1h;

– it works marvels for a quicker healing of wounds or post-surgery recovery, or else to prepare an exam or a performance. Moreover, it permits to get rid of stage fright, of phobias, and of incapacitating emotional responses;

– it allows you to empower yourself, to dissolve past traumas and fears, so that you may free your psyche and finally express your full potential in your life

A lot is happening in your subconscious – yet it suffices to plunge and look at what’s there underwater, to free yourself from any self-inflicted sabotage. Ericksonian Hypnosis is a method to plunge in your unconscious while remaining fully aware. You will be able to willingly sort out and erase the psychic obstacles, the fear, the  traumas, or just bad habits, that otherwise would impair and incapacitate you. Its discoverer: the  great psychiatrist Milton Erickson in the mid 20th century. Doesn’t overwhelm your own will (as does normal hypnosis), because you remain fully conscious, yet in a deep consciousness state. You are the one to operate the healing of your own psyche: I’ll just give you guidelines for your self-suggestions and visualizations.

1h-session = $88; 2 x 1h-session = $160     

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