space allies book by chris h hardy GO TO SHOP

SPACE ALLIES: Earth in the Balance – Chris H. Hardy (Exopolitics Sci-Fi Series)

Space Allies: Earth in the Balance. The Rvans (an insectoid-phylum), the inventors of secret weapons-of-mass-coercion, have launched a full-fledged undercover operation to take control of the Imperial government of the bi-galaxy, while they reinforce their hold on Delos/Earth. They now practically control the mind of the emperor and have placed their own pawns at the powerful Galac ministry and at Pol-Int, the political Intelligence ministry. While their stealthy fight enters its decisive phase, only a handful of sacked political actors now lacking any political leverage seems to have noticed the carefully staged moves; and yet the Galactic Federation as well as Delos/Earth are in the balance. There’s little hope left… until a young Ur genius, Pi, stumbles on criminal maneuvers on a tiny, faraway planet, that points to a bigger plan. Using a new Syg-3 technology enabling him to step into past events, will he be able to thwart Rvan plans? Can the Urs, a civilization of artists-yogis fully dedicated to developing their mind potentials, checkmate the deadly Rvan technology?

Meanwhile, on Earth, outstanding psi subjects work for a secret military program to gather intelligence using Remote Viewing, and they too find evidence of aliens interfering with major events. Time is short. Will Earth, awakening to the reality of a universe teaming with intelligent civilizations, make the necessary consciousness leap quickly enough to overturned Rvans’ control of Earth and self-manage their entry as a member-planet in the Federation?

Space Allies shatters our blinkers by revealing the tremendous potential of a science dedicated to expanding mind and consciousness, and whose green technology is based on the boundless syg-energy pervading the cosmos as a hyperdimension of consciousness. It puts into question a materialistic science and politics steered by the will to control and fated to set a lethal course for the planets and their people.

Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D., is a ground-breaking theorist on consciousness and the new paradigm in physics. A systems scientist and former researcher at Princeton’s Psychophysical Research laboratories, she has investigated nonlocal consciousness through systems theory, chaos theory, as well as her own Semantic Fields Theory and cosmology theory setting a hyperdimension of cosmic consciousness. Chris is also a seer, exploring emerging mind potentials, and widely travelled. She has authored acclaimed published books, including DNA of the Gods, Wars of the Anunnaki, The Sacred Network, Space Allies, and Butterfly Logic (the first title in the Exopolitics Sci-Fi Series).

Aliens of insectoid, reptilian, or fish species - and even Grays (androids) - are not rare on Sumerian or Egyptian depictions and reliefs

Insectoid alien and human priest praying to the Tree of Life + Winged Cross (Sumerian cylinder)


  9. ULLIESHIM—1 63
  11. ULLIESHIM—2 71
  14. XANTRA. ID-COM—1 83
  18. ULLIESHIM—3 105
  23. ULLIESHIM—4 136
  26. XANTRA. ID-COM—2 146
  27. XANTRA. ID-COM—3 156
  28. ORION3—1 165
  29. ULLIESHIM—5 174
  30. ORION3—2 178
  32. ORION3—3 195
  34. ULLIESHIM—6 202
  36. ORION3—4 218
  37. SYG7 229
  38. ULLIESHIM—8 238
  39. ORION3—5 239
  40. ORION3—6 240
  42. ORION3—7 246
  44. ULLIESHIM—9 261
  45. ORION3—8 264
  46. ORION3—9 267


Depiction of a Gray alien on an Egyptian bas-relief

Gray alien on an Egyptian bas-relief


“I can’t believe it!” said Fitz Chiselri, governor of the Ur Federation. “It’s well known that Delos will be the next planet to be integrated into the galactic Empire. But you mean that it had met all the criteria for being a member-planet since 15 galactic years! How is that possible?”

“I would love to know! And mind you that 15 Gyears translates into about 30 planetary years—an enormous time,” exclaimed El-Dzin, the most renowned anchorman of the Ur Federation and a brilliant political analyst. “I was running a routine check to obtain some documentation on the planet and see when we could expect the Coming of Age to take place, and this is what I found! However, the information had been scattered all over the place, and that definitely smells of the work of professionals. And guess who had gathered it in the first place? Esperiac! About one Gyear ago, not long before he was sacked from the post of Director of Political Intelligence. In fact, it was around the time that Mel Sambar, then Minister of Galactic Affairs, was asked by the Rvans to grant them the full exec-sovereignty on the planet.”

They held their discussion in the gorgeous garden of Chiselri’s governor’s mansion on the planet Ullieshim, the core planet of the Ur federation. Only a close view of their ears shaped in a spiral could distinguish them from humans; they were all slim and quite tall, with elongated faces.

“I remember that Mel Sambar delayed the process and then refused to grant it, and I kept wondering if that was the very reason why she lost her Korub position soon afterwards,” said Garith Embers, the Ur socio-political minister.

“Really?” said El-Dzin, astonished. “Then if I were you, I would inquire into how the former DPI lost his job too, about nine months before the Korub. In fact, the timing seems to point to some link.”

“Given what you have just uncovered, I certainly will, Dzin,” answered Garith, concern swelling in her voice. “What’s your feeling? What do you think it means?”

“It means a cadaver in the closet, if you want my gut feeling. And I’m not the only one to smell something. One of my psychics received a call for help from an unknown source on Delos, and a team gathered in order to devote a session to the planet. They found out that the population was under terrible pressure, something you wouldn’t expect from such a brilliant and ingenious people.”

“What’s bothering me,” said Chiselri thoughtfully, “is: How did the Rvans suppress the evidence that the planet was ready for contact? Because if the planet was ready, it means a good number of Delians had already deduced the high probability that other intelligent civilizations existed in the universe! So what worries me is: What did they do with these people? How did they silence them? Because they are democracies for the most part of their two hundred or so countries and supposedly free to express their ideas and beliefs.”

“Right! How do you quash ideas in a democracy? It has to be rather tortuous,” sighed Embers.

“The masters of the planet could find it advantageous to remain under cover, shadow eminences with the technology and resources of the galaxy at their disposal,” responded El-Dzin with a sarcastic tone.

“Speaking of which,” intervened Pi, a young Ur who had remained slightly behind the others on a small stone bench, “nothing compares to a demonstration. I have come across such a very ‘nasty’ interference,” he looked intently at Garith Embers “and I’m ready to show it to you.”

El-Dzin, pointing toward Pi, explained: “This is why I asked Pi to come to our meeting. You know that he is one of the syg-com experts attached to the imperial Media Tower. He is also the greatest genius we have concerning syg-energy.”

“Come on! Everybody knows that Pi has been able to penetrate syg3 reality!” emphasized Garith with a wink at Pi. “Pi, will your demonstration be about the syg3 dimension?”

“Yes, absolutely. I will reconstruct a past event that happened on Delos, create a syg-hologram in 5D and then step into the event…”

“Step into the event?” wondered Garith. “You mean not only in the past, but also on Delos?… Halfway through the galaxy?”

“Yes,” said Pi casually.

“The Zagors! I can’t wait to see that!” exclaimed Garith Embers.

“Tell me, Pi,” asked Chiselri somewhat more calmly. “Are you able to interact with the event or do you just observe it?”

“Until now, I’ve been only observing. But see, syg3 is a dimension of thought and consciousness—and so theoretically, one should be able to influence the minds of people taking part in the recreated events.”

“That could introduce quite an interference with these events!” pondered El-Dzin.

While talking, Pi had been pushing a few garden chairs to make some room. Then he put a tiny computer in the middle of the cleared space. He went on, “You may remember that, not so long ago, a team studying Delos through remote-control detected a syg-explosion.”

“Yes, we remember this atrocity,” said Garith Embers, letting out some steam.

Chiselri backed her indignation: “A power having the custody of a non-member planet has absolutely no right to use syg-energy—apart from transportation.”

“This is why I decided to investigate this event in syg3,” concurred Pi. “Incidentally, I was the one directing that remote-control team.” Then, pointing to a mist forming around the computer, he said: “The syg-hologram is taking shape… There! See? It’s a chemical plant on Delos…see the buildings? The greenish one on the far right is where the explosion will happen…” He looked at his ring-watch “in exactly 16 Gminutes, that is, at 3.22 pm local time.” He talked to his computer aloud: “Budo, put the Delos time on the low-left side of the holo.” He turned back to the other three, touching his kitschy glasses: “I will be there and I’ll film the whole scene again—I’ve got a syg-camera and computer in there. See here, on the low-right screen, it’s my glasses filming automatically what’s in front of them—see you all there? So what you’ll watch in the holo, once I get in, will be my live recording while I walk through the buildings…”

“Wait a minute,” cut in Garith Embers, “Does anyone of us know what to do if anything goes wrong? Do you, Dzin?”

“Yes, I’ve seen Pi doing that already…”

“Don’t worry!” interrupted Pi, “I risk nothing. I’m not there physically, only in consciousness. Relax and help me concentrate.”

The three of them fell silent and got into a meditative stance to support Pi’s state of consciousness. Then they watched Pi as he got up slowly and penetrated a bubble of shiny undulating energy encircling the whole holo scene. Pi sat on the ground and then his body went limp, crouching on the side. Suddenly, the aspect of the holo changed and gave room to a moving picture of alleys running between the buildings and crisscrossing at right angles. The view was balancing at the rhythm of Pi’s walking.

They watched the holo: Pi was following an alley. A group of three maintenance people exited from a door onto the street, and were now advancing toward the camera, absorbed in a deep discussion. None of them understood Delos language, but, since the majority of Urs had psi capacities, they had enough telepathy to catch some thoughts.

“I’m getting that there is some problem regarding the construction of a public road outside the plant,” murmured Garith.

“Yes,” agreed El-Dzin, who was a gifted telepath. “They figure it’s going to be too near for security reasons.”

“Is Pi totally invisible to them?” asked a concerned Chiselri.

“Yes, don’t worry, Fitz,” answered El-Dzin with a paternalistic tone. “Let’s observe closely…we may perceive details that’ll escape Pi’s attention.”

“Can he hear us?” wondered Garith. “Pi, can you hear us?… I guess he can’t…”

“Ah!! In fact I’m hearing you mentally!” came Pi’s telepathic message. “I didn’t realize it’s possible the first time over. Of course if I talk aloud you will hear my voice, but do you hear my thoughts?”

“Yes, not very clearly, though,” replied Garith.

“Well, now, yes, I do!” answered El-Dzin. “It’s a bit strange, right? It’s slightly distorted and…”

“Yeah, right…as if it’s cushioned,” concurred Pi.

They all fell silent. The three Urs were glued to the scene unfolding on the syg-holo, keeping a check on the holo clock.

Pi saw the three maintenance people crossing his path, and he got out of the way by pure reflex, while reflecting that he would only have gone through them—since he wasn’t himself in physical reality. Then he approached the large green building and saw a solid metal door, closed, on which was a big sign forbidding entrance underneath a design showing a risk of explosion.

As Pi passed right through the massive door as if it wasn’t there, Fitz and Garith let out some gasps of astonishment. They could now see what was inside: a large hall, full of equipment. The only person in view, in a white outfit, was sitting at a desk and checking numbers on a computer display. He seemed to be running a series of checks. At the far back of the hall was another door, even more massive, with a control panel and a sophisticated steering wheel reminiscent of high security opening systems. The camera-eyes of Pi turned back toward the flat computer screen in front of the expert, and it grew larger as Pi certainly bent toward it to take a close-up view. Then the scene skidded, and there was a close-up on the expert’s face, as if taken from his computer screen. He was intent but relaxed, extremely focused on his task but not worried. Obviously, the variables he was checking were in order. Close-up on the expert’s computer watch: 3.14 pm. Another minute elapsed. Then, an astonished look on the expert’s face, and he makes a few punches on his keyboard. Now a worried mumbling. Then, sheer panic as he reaches for his cell phone.

The scene recedes and Pi crosses the wall again. He is back in front of the green building and starts to walk along it, toward the northwest, keeping the green wall on his right. On the other side of the street, there’s another rectangular building, a dozen yards on his left. At the far end of the street he can make out a high electrified fence, and beyond it a beautiful tower of grand proportions, its windows glistening in a soft copper tone. Another alley runs perpendicular on his left side, and on passing it Pi observes two people loading big boxes in a small white truck. A well-dressed businessman walks further down the alley.

“I didn’t explore this side of the plant last time,” came the loud voice of Pi. “It’s now 3.18,” he added. Passed the green wall, on the right, there were only a few barracks in a large expanse of wild grass. Thus the green building was the last one on the northwest side of the plant. Beyond the field and the fence, the beautiful tower was rising, surrounded by a nice lawn, a total contrast to the stark architecture of the plant.

Suddenly, a violent explosion happened near the base of the copper tower. Pi couldn’t be sure if its epicenter was in the lawn outside or in the basement. A roaming fire erupted, as if from the ground, and tall flames ascended and expanded at frightening speed. His body jerked backward. A sphere of incandescent red light, engulfed in billows of black smoke, was rapidly growing with a hellish sound. He could perceive, strangely, a distinct source of iridescent green flames. And now a series of events, nearly hallucinatory, happened at a very quick pace: Pi’s eyes were attracted by an intense blue ray that seemed to originate from somewhere in the sky and was sticking out of its much lighter grayish tone. It came from a height of about fifteen floors and seemed to point right in the middle of the raging fire, where the green incandescence was. Abruptly, a second ray streaked through the pale gray sky and he perceived a black round shape from which the two rays were sent. And now he observed the strangest physical event he had ever witnessed: a huge electrical arc formed between the site of the glass tower and the green building and the whole atmosphere turned electric blue as a gigantic electro-magnetic field was created. Hardly had he seen the blue arc that the green building exploded in an immense blow of enflamed gases. He had just enough time to see the white silhouette of the expert who had been walking out of the building flying upward and caught in flames. People ran everywhere and sirens howled. The whole plant was set on fire and it seemed to be spreading outside the plant toward the south and east. People were burning and falling to the ground; many more would die of the lethal gases or the fire extending everywhere.

On his first syg3 observation, Pi had watched and recorded the awful catastrophe. This time, he had set as an aim to record proof of the syg-explosion; the rays left no doubt as to what had caused the two explosions, but he wanted solid proof. He sent a tiny syg-ray toward the gases, and a program he had prepared read out the exact composition of the burning elements on both sites. Apart from the chemicals belonging to the plant and the buildings, his program traced and detected syg-energy in its post-explosive state. And that meant a syg-pulse explosion had been triggered by the blue syg-ray. From a great distance, an explosion could thus be triggered, the energy sent by a syglaser-ray accumulating in a few hundredths of a millisecond at the impact point, and triggering a chain reaction. Pi then realized the choice of a gas reservoir at the impact point was just a way to cover up the syg-explosion and provide the Delians with an easy explanation. It also made the explosion more deadly for the people, as many in the surroundings died from inhaling the toxic emanations released in the atmosphere.

Pi took some more footage of the cataclysmic scene and then was suddenly overcome by anguish and nausea at such violence and distress. El-Dzin, sensing it, prodded him mentally to come out of the syg3 reconstitution, and on seeing him stepping out of the circle of haze, he went to hug him. Fitz and Garith were still watching the last global image Pi had taken, a look of horror on their faces. Then they detached from it, sadly realizing there was nothing they could do to help people caught in a disaster that had already happened.

Pi ordered his computer to shut down the syg-holo and it started to disappear from the center outward, the mist last. The Urs were all shaken and kept silent for a few long minutes. Finally, El-Dzin broke the silence:

“So, let’s assess what happened exactly. I saw two syg-rays, blue, emanating from either a Xantra or a Rvan spacecraft. There was a first explosion at the base of the glass tower, then a gigantic electrical arc reached toward the chemical plant—the green building—where a huge explosion happened that shattered the building…”

“Precisely, two syg-rays and two explosions,” remarked Chiselri. “The arc, in my opinion, was a secondary effect; the trigger was the syg-ray.”

“Using syg-energy on a non-member planet is already an offense,” said Garith with vindication, “but provoking such a collective catastrophe, the death of so many people, is absolutely revolting and nauseating.”

Pi got busy reviewing his recording and treating some of the images. He suddenly exclaimed: “The spaceship was an Rvan one! Look at this magnified and treated picture: it shows two Rvans piloting it.”

“Then we even have a proof the Rvans did it!” exclaimed Garith.

“This is an act of abominable cruelty against a defenseless population that’s unaware of this type of technology,” fumed Chiselri.

“A case of galactic crime—however, our High Court doesn’t have the legal ability to try such offences within the Empire…” sighed Garith.

“Then, how much less when it concerns a non-member planet!” added Fitz with a sad tone.

“A non-member planet doesn’t have any legal right! It doesn’t have any legal ground for filing a case against a member world—given it’s not a citizen world within the Empire,” concluded El-Dzin.

“Then it means the system’s wrong and we ought to do something!” exploded Pi.

“The system’s wrong, no doubt!” agreed El-Dzin. “How can we straighten it, that’s the question.”

“I feel a moral obligation to do something,” restated Pi.

“I agree,” said Chiselri. “We have to change something in the hierarchy of power, which gives an older generation all power over the non-member planets they have in custody.”

“Then, my friends,” pondered Embers, “that means we ought to do something at the global, galactic level—no less will do.”

“Definitely,” concurred El-Dzin. “We Urs are among the most advanced civilizations in terms of consciousness and we do have to make this our responsibility.”

“Agreed. Let’s devise a plan,” offered Fitz Chiselri.

“Yes, wholeheartedly!” said Garith Embers.

“Let’s do that. Absolutely!” howled Pi. “I wouldn’t be able to sleep otherwise!



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